Monday, December 11, 2006

Removing the blog header


After you have put your new blog banner there, you have to remove the blog title, as it will be in the way. here is how to do that.



me said...

This is good info. I do like beta blogger much better, but I had to redo some templates. Grrr. I'd love to know how to put a left side bar in Minima. I guess I'll figure it out when I have time.

Jacqui Bourne said...

Thanks Wilna. I managed to get it sorted out. It looks much nicer. Thanks again.

Jennifer Davis said...

Thanks for all the help wondering how to get rid of the framed border surrounding my new photo banner. I notice that you were able to remove yours on your my he{art} site. Could you help me do the same possibly? I am using the lefty stretch minima template. Thanks!

Christa said...

I can't get this to work. I am deleting exactly the code you have listed but it won't work. Help!!